Monday 17 February 2014

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Apple and Google app stores rejecting submissions with 'Flappy' word

Apple and Google app stores rejecting submissions with 'Flappy' word

When Dong Nguyen took down the viral hit game 'Flappy Bird' citing the reason as him 'being unable to handle its massive success', little did he know that the game would spawn a new problem for the Google Play and Apple iTunes app stores. According to recent reports, both Google and Apple have started rejecting game titles from developers with the word 'flappy' in it. Developers might feel that they are on the receiving end of an unfair deal from the app stores, but according to reasons given by the companies, it just goes to show the number of clones that are coming up.

Apple over the weekend rejected a game by developer Ken Carpenter, of Mind Juice Media from Vancouver Canada, called Flappy Dragon. He said on Saturday that he was told his app violated the section 22.2 of the App Store Review Guidelines:

22.2: Apps that contain false, fraudulent or misleading representations will be rejected
We found that your app, and/or its metadata, contains content that could be misleading to users, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
We found your app name attempts to leverage a popular app.

Read Full News : Here


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